Drawing on the understanding that “Pluralism is the view that there is no one correct logic, or alternatively, that there is more than one correct logic”, The Pluralist is a student-run newspaper following in the vein of acts of self-publishing at the Royal College of Art. The Pluralist hopes to act as a platform for experimental practices and works in progress, offering a different context to make all students’ voices heard across the college and beyond.

The Pluralist is the new iteration of the Royal College of Art’s Students’ Union-run Newsheet newsletter, which started in the 60s.


I was appointed “creative director” in 2018, and continued with the project after leaving the RCA in 2019, until September 2020. Before leaving, I designed and published a website for the newspaper, which is now being updated by the new designer on the project, Louise Gholam. You can read all past issues on, and every issue since the 60s is available in the RCA archive library.

Here are some of the favourite issues I worked on:

  • The Visibility Issue
  • B5, 3 colour riso, Everocolor 80gsm, 36pp, available to read in full here.

INSIDE COVER MESSAGE: dear b, it is possible to speak with our heart directly. most ancient cultures know this. we can actually converse with out heart as if it were a good friend. in modern life we have become so busy with our daily affairs and thoughts that we have lost this essential art of taking time to converse with our heart. jack kornfield said that, not me. but i might’ve. b, i’m reading bell hooks. b, i’m talking to my hear. b,, it’s invisible. hello, b! can you respond to the word ‘INVISIBILITY IN VISIBILITY’ for me? eilis x

INSIDE BACK COVER MESSAGE: e. re the, is the invisibility in visibility, could we be saying something like… to be visible as to be allowed not to be? not to not exist but to be able to disappear, loudly! to walk with the silence of the indefined is to be ‘everywhere’, a night walker of the bright day. a refusal of the words “here i am”, that rather asks the question instead, by ‘being nowhere’, where are we [now] who get to / are called to / must speak? b


(this was the issue where i got people to write in about their crushes. my own love note ended fruitfully. the marriage proposal did not.)



You can read the rest of the past issues over on….